Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar: A Novel

Author: Suzanne Joinson
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Publish Date: May 2012
This book offers an engaging and exotic story based on the juxtaposition of two centuries and cultures. Author Suzanne Joinson intertwines the stories of two women. One is about Evangeline (Eva) English who in 1923 is detained along with her sister, Lizzie, in the city of Kashgar, East Turkestan as their fellow missionary and mentor, Millicent Frost, is accused of a murder. The other story is that of Frieda Blaekman, the present-day Londoner who suddenly becomes responsible for the contents of an apartment of a deceased woman whose name she has never heard of before. On the surface, one may read Joinson's book as a historical adventure. At a deeper level was that the author touches on how we seem to be destined to repeat our parents' mistakes. Both Frieda and Eva struggle to make sense of their parents' views of love and their relationship choices as they affect their own.
Sometimes the writing in this book is too literary for my taste, but I would recommend A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar for those who enjoy an exotic adventure across time and space.

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